Speaking Topics Include
Wheel of Modern Education
The smartest people in the world, the outliers, the game-changers, the moonshot takers… they never quit their education, they simply escape the outdated education system. Turn your education into a lifelong adventure with the model I shared in my first TEDx talk that was viewed over 7 million times.
The Currency of Belonging
The challenge of being social animals, living in an anti-social society. Discover how to overcome this, find your tribes and create a meaningful life in the 21st century.
This is the premise behind my second TEDx talk.

The art of personal mastery
Mindset training methodology that I have developed through 10 yrs of learning from some of the leading authorities in the world – to rewire my mind for success and happiness.

How to Fall in love with learning
If I could give one piece of advice to a person it would be this: fall in love with learning. I deconstruct this love for learning into the mindset, systems and conditions that create inspired actions towards our growth.

Bring more play into your life
If you’re looking at inspired living, enhanced creativity, emotional intelligence, or higher productivity, Play is the driving force behind it and incorporating it in life is an absolute must.
Peak Performance & Biohacking
Our health & fitness is the lever that influences every other area of our life. I share bio hacks to enhance our cognitive & physical performance on a daily basis; from nutrition, sleep optimisation, fitness routines, biohacking technologies and lifestyle adjustments.
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